We ended up staying up until about 2:30am hanging out and talking until we all felt sick we were so tired! Off to bed.
Saturday we got up and ate breakfast and hung out all day. Tony, JB and the older two boys went to JB's school and ran errands and hung out, while Amanda, Blain, Judd and I milled around the house. I tried to persuade Amanda to let me watch Blain so she could take a nap or something because she had only ended up with about 2 1/2 hours sleep Friday night after Blain had many wakings, but she is very protective and watchful I think because of his first few weeks of life and illness, so she kept declining my offers. I felt bad for her because Blain ended up sleeping for about 6 hours straight, and she could have easily taken a 6 hour nap!
He is very cute and as of Friday weighed 8 lbs. 13 oz. He is definitely going through a growth spurt because he had just gained a lb. in one week and was still guzzling the milk more than usual they said.
The boys really liked him and Raymond said that he liked Blain's little head, while Owen liked his little feet. Owen tells me that Judd likes his little hands. It's unusual for me though that Blain has such a little head, because all three of my boys had bigger heads. He is definitely cute and cuddly. We got lots of good pictures, of which I will post for your viewing enjoyment. I have to say that in my opinion he is all Amanda. He definitely takes after more of her side at the moment. Whereas my boys are ALL Coffey, no me. :(
Amanda is very dedicated to pumping breast milk and feeding him from a bottle, which I have to tell you is very time consuming and takes a lot of effort, but she says she can't bring herself to just nurse him again after his turning blue that one time. So she does an awesome job at staying on top of it along with JB. Way more dedication than I could muster with the time it takes to do it all. I'm just glad she is committed to the breast milk cause. I am SO Pro-breast milk. I can't say that I blame her, but I am always one to opt for the more convenient route and would give in and try nursing again! :) I wish there was something I could do to help her not relive those images over and over and keep worrying that he will be sick with every little thing, but nothing I say will change her of that. That's being a mom I suppose. I would just like to make it easier for her.
Anyways...we left Sunday around 11am and got home at 6:30pm on the dot. The ride home was much easier and quicker, but still a very long drive!
So without further ado, I present my family and Blain, the newest addition!