Thursday, January 31, 2008

Updates, Updates, Updates!

Well, I know that I have not posted in awhile, but I haven't really had much to update. My last appointment we officially scheduled my induction on February 29th. So Judd will be here on Leap Day or before if he decides to make his own entrance, which is very possible!! I have been having occassional contractions already and can barely sleep due to pain in my hips and lower back when I lay down, and the fact that it is so hard to turn over in bed, so I wake up about every two hours on the dot to go to the bathroom and turn over! I go to my next OB appointment tomorrow and will then start going every week until he comes, so if he lasts to the 29th, only what four more visits? Next week is when I go back to the Perinates to get another ultrasound to make sure his weight didn't spike over the last month. Everything else seems normal, he is just itching to get out and I am now finally at that point where I am anxious for the end too! I am SO anxious to have my body back and not feel so restricted in my physical ability.

Enough about me...this last weekend I decided to move my preschool/playroom from our basement up to the guest room and switch them. This way it is now on the main floor and there is no more running up and down the stairs and the kids use it alot more. Already this week all seven of them have spent nearly the entire day in the playroom playing. It turned out really cute and actually had more space then I thought it would. My reasons for moving it upstairs were because I couldn't go up and down the stairs all the time checking on the kids with my pregnancy, I also don't want to just sit down there and stare at them when they play when they are all old enough to not have me watching over their shoulder the WHOLE time, Owen and Raymond never used it after daycare kids went home because they are still at an age where they like to be on the same floor as mom and dad so they were watching alot of t.v. and I wanted them to play more at night, and because once Judd is here it will be easier when I am nursing him and taking care of him upstairs to have all the kids on the same floor as me and him to ensure safety and no fighting.

So this is really our only updates. I will keep you posted as time gets even closer and will DEFINITLEY post pictures of Judd and the boys when he comes! Happy Groundhogs Day! ;)

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