Friday, December 14, 2007

New Baby update

We are getting very excited for our new baby. It seems like he will be here so soon. I am now 28 weeks pregnant and just went for my 28 week check-up today. I am measuring perfectly and everything seems great. She said that due to way I carry my babies big that she will probably let me only go to 39 weeks instead of 40.
Owen and Raymond are getting excited now too. It's so cool to see how they understand now that there will be a new baby. Owen talks about how he will help change his diapers and help feed him and gives my belly kisses and hugs all the time and talks about Judd (the baby's name) like he's already here. Raymond will occassionally give Judd hugs and kisses but he is very occupied with getting into stuff still. Although, if you aske him where Judd is, he will say "right there" and point to my belly. I just bought some binky's too and Raymond said they were for Judd.
The three boys will be sharing a room too, and I pretty much have it all put together. Since I already have two boys, there wasn't a tremendous amount to get ready for Judd. But I wanted his arrival to seem special too, so I did get him all new crib bedding and some decorations. Plus I painted wooden letters of his name red, a tradition I started with Owen, and hung those above his crib. I love their room. I love the fact that they can all three share a room. I can't imagine splitting up Owen and Raymond because they are best friends, but I would feel like I was isolating Judd and that he was left out of the group if he had gotten his own room. So even though there is a crib, a toddler bed and a twin bed in their room, they still have plenty of room for toys and to play.

Monday I go to my 30 week appointment and I am anxiously awaiting that. I love my appointments because it makes it seem more real! I will keep everyone posted as we progress closer to our due date!

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