Monday, May 5, 2008

Ode to Cereal...the simpler life

Can you remember a time when you had no cares and no worries and the smallest things got you excited, like perhaps your daddy bringing home Captain Crunch with berries, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, or Lucky Charms? Those were the days. When we were young and something so simple as cereal could brighten your day.

I still love cereal to this day; the mixture of sweet with salty, crunchy with milk, the different textures and tastes that you can get with a simple bowl of cereal are endless!
I hadn't had those delectible children's cereals in a long while, and when I took my first bite of Lucky charms, my mouth exploded with flavor and it sent my mind whirrling down memory lane. One memory is how we'd be mad when mom got Cheerios (which I love now by the way), because they were so plain and not sweet at all. So in order to make them sweet, we'd dump half of the sugar from the sugar pourer into our bowl and eat the cereal and then have spoonfuls of milky sugar to scrape from the bottom of the bowl. Oh sweet jitters, how I miss you! ;)
I saw today how much excitement some new boxes of cereal can generate in a young child, in my own two boys. When daddy brought them home their new treats they raced to the kitchen and sat on the floor chattering a mile a minute about when they can eat it and the best parts of the cereal and looking at the pictures on the back and all of the fun things those kids boxes have. It made their day. The funny thing was, right before daddy walked in the door the boys had both been hollering and throwing tantrums and fighting and this simple treat, this simple box of goodness (and not unhealthy either), made their day seem happy again. All of their troubles were lost.

So here's to cereal; for my memories as a kid and how great a treat you are now, to lighting up my children's faces the same way and for making their day's happy. This is my ode to cereal!


Kelly S said...

That's funny. I forgot about scraping sugar-milk off the bottom of the bowl. Sometimes I'd put extra sugar on just to have extra to scrape. :) Now I like plain Cheerios w/out sugar and actually think adding sugar sounds gross. Once in a blue moon I'll get some Cookie Crisp and will usually eat it dry for a sweet snack - sort of like having a box of crackers, but instead they're tiny chocolate chip cookies. :)

Kelly S said...

Not related to this post, but I noticed something funny. Among us three, Kimberly comments the most on my blog; I comment the most on yours; and me and you comment almost equally on Kimberly's. Just an observation. :)

Anonymous said...

You all know how much I LOVE cereal! I can't start my day without it! Sometimes I mix it up with oatmeal, but nothing, not a big buffet of eggs, toast, pancakes, breakfast burritos, whatever, satisfies me more than my morning bowl of cereal. LOVE IT!!

Anonymous said...

I like cereal, too, but not the sweet kind anymore. Although, yes, when I was younger, I used to like it sweet, too. If you think about it, it's been around so long, and is the perfect snack, lite meal, and day starter. I know you girls sure did love to look at all the different kinds in the store, and want everything on the boxes for girls, anyway. Wheaties is still used sometimes for balls for fishing, and of course oatmeal and some cereal for cooking. What's not to like, right?