Monday, June 2, 2008

Preschool Finale

I know that this post is extremely delayed because this program took place on May 19, but it is still an important conclusion to a new chapter of Owen's life. This was the end of year preschool program. He has now completed his first year of school and this next year of preschool will be an eventful one. During the four year old preschool class we will now start to be checking out kindergartens and it makes me happy/sad to think about it. I think what makes me the most sad is that Kindergarten is full day now for the whole city and so this next year is the last year that I will EVER in my or Owen's life spend every day together. Once he starts Kindergarten then he will be gone all day through school, then he will go to college, then he will get married and leave home for good. So this new chapter of his life is one of mixed emotions. I am very happy for him to be moving on and growing up. I am so proud of him for his accomplishments already and I want him to succeed in what he loves, but I am also very sad, for the end of the "mommy" era, where I am all that he needs in life, where I take care of him all by myself (with daddy of course too), but no outside interference. He is already starting the phase of his life of leaving home and I already miss him. So I will make the most of this year and try to spend as much fun time with him as possible, because after this year, the whole dynamic of his life will change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A child going to kindergarten is definitely a change for all in the family, Stacey. Karen, our neighbor, and I used to stand at the end of our driveway and cry when you girls started to kindergarten. But...we made it through it, and I will you, be it difficult at the time. Owen will never really leave his mommy.