Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentines Day

Valentines Day was a lot of fun yesterday. Over the course of this week, we have done a few fun projects. First of all, Owen had to decorate a box or bag to take to preschool this Friday for his Valentines Day party. So of course you can't do anything like that without letting Raymond do one too. So I cut a heart shape out of the front of two Triscuit boxes and they got to paint them, put stickers on them, and glue buttons and other odds and ends on them. They had a ton of fun and the boxes turned out really cute. But once again...when kids make this type of thing, what do I do with them once they are done being used. I could NEVER throw them away, but do I keep EVERYTHING my kids make or do? Hmmm. I just need a system.
Then yesterday we had our daycare Valentines Day party. The kids all made cards for someone special. We glued stuff on it, colored them, and used stickers, etc. The kids had a lot of fun with that too. In the morning, Owen and Raymond got a breakfast treat (a v-day cupcake), then during nap time I made them each a Valentine by hand, plus all the daycare kids.
Today at Owen's preschool party it was also Pink day. They usually wear that color on their themed color day, but of course Owen doesn't have any pink shirts, so I put him in a red shirt with a cut out of a pink heart with the word pink on it. Then I safety pinned it to his shirt. He thought it was funny.

Onto other news: I go today once again to the OB, so we will see where we stand. I am sure, however that Judd will be here on the 29th, even though I really wanted to go into labor on my own, for a number of reasons. I will definitley keep you posted though. I am now 37 weeks along, so he can come at anytime. But at most 14 days from now! I can't wait to meet him.

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