Friday, August 15, 2008

The Magic of Laughter!

Now everyone knows how good laughter is for the soul. Imagine having the cutest five and a half month old cracking up at the slightest touch. That is magic for your soul. No matter how much of a bad mood I am in, the smallest smile from him or any of the boys makes me melt. I can be the most tired mom in the world in the morning, but when I go check on Judd he always looks up at me with a huge smile, because simply he is just that happy to see me.
It's so nice to have people so genuinely happy to see me. It makes me feel important, special and loved. I couldn't imagine a better feeling. I know most of my posts are about Judd lately, and don't get me wrong all of my boys are the light of my life, but Judd is the one in a rapid development movement! He will be crawling and sitting up within the month I think, and he is working hard on getting his first tooth. What an over-achiever! baby is so special and makes me smile every time I look at him, that I wanted to share some of his magic with you! So enjoy the simple pleasure of laughter!


Anonymous said...

I'm always happy to see you, hon. His laughter is very infectious. It looks like it tickles him more up toward his neck, huh? He is a very happy baby, and loves to smile. You're definitely a cutie, Judd.

Dani said...

What a cutie! I wish my little over-achiever would wait as long as yours did on teeth...he is working on his bottom two right now! What a stinker!

Stacey said...

Judd has been teething since he was 2 1/2 months old, but he is about to pop through his bottom two. Owen and Raymond didn't get their first teeth until they were 8 months, but then they got all of their teeth by 12 months, which was horrible and nice all at the same time.