Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm so old...

I was sitting here thinking today how old I feel. I'm going to be 28 years old next month and I don't feel like I really have accomplished much except to have a beautiful family. I never finished my degree and I run a home daycare to make ends meet. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change my family at all, and I wouldn't change the fact that I get to stay at home with my boys, I just always wonder what would have happened if I had finished college first.

I started back to school this Fall at the community college to get an Associates degree in Early Childhood Education, to at least make sense of what I do for a living! I originally had signed up for four online classes thinking what an easy task, I thought I had it in the bag. Then I got accepted to a scholarship program and she said they require I take only one to two courses since part of the requirement of the scholarship is that I continue to work in or run my own daycare. I complied, and boy am I glad I did. The course content is easy...I could have taken twenty classes based on that, it's just that I have NO time! I found myself on the second week tonight hurrying to finish assignments before midnights due date. I literally had NO chance to work on homework all week. How stressful! So I got it in, but I hope that I can be better organized for the future. I used to never have a problem being organized with school, and this is another reason I feel old.

So here's to school...please don't kick my butt! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know we weren't there very long, Stacey, but had a good time. The boys enjoyed "cutting" Grandpa's hair, and I'm glad he was there, too. He hasn't seen you all for a while. They really liked their gifts from Aunt Kimmy, too. I hope you didn't get sick from your Olive Garden. If so, it must have been the caprese pasta, with the cheese and tomatoes. We'll see you again before long. Hang in there with the school. You'll get a routine down, even with your busy schedule. Love ya.