Saturday, October 3, 2009

Raymond's Birthday Part 2! Complete...

After a rough week last week, we have finally finished celebrating Raymond's 4th birthday. We worked hard all day on setting up for his Pirate party and it went well. I have to honestly say the 10 birthday parties total I've put on for my boys has never been as chaotic as this one, but still fun. The kids were distracted and not interested in the game or Raymond opening presents or anything, but everyone still had lots of fun.

Raymond's funny too. He always wants to be outgoing and the center of attention when he "shouldn't" be, but when the spotlight is on him he doesn't want it and gets really shy and a little anxious about it. He opened his presents and then kind of had the attitude like, okay you can go home now everyone. He also had begged me to draw a Pirate and make a pin the hat on the pirate game, and then REALLY did not want to play it when the time came. Good thing I nixed the treasure hunt for their loot bags and just gave them their bags too, cause he and all the other kids were not interested in scheduled events at all. Which is fine, but Owen is the opposite. He wants the games the structure and the steps of a party and is very outgoing at his birthday parties, so I just need to remember that difference between the two boys when planning their parties. I just never want Raymond to think I am putting more effort into Owen's parties then his, but it's just the way he likes it.

So here are a bunch of pictures from the party. Tony's mom and husband were in charge of bringing the Pizza from Little Caesars Pizza for us, and when they showed up they were dressed in full pirate garb costumes! That was hilarious. My mom has been here too and she has been a big help since I hurt my back for a second time this week. I was a baby on Tuesday and called her crying about my back and she left Wednesday afternoon to come stay through the weekend to help me with everything while I mended. I wish she could stay longer to help me get organized, but she'll be taking off tomorrow.

So on with the pics. Enjoy a 4 year old's Pirate party! Happy 4th Raymo!
Sisterly Love....Arrrr Mateys! A typical day at the Coffey house!
A typical family portrait at the Coffey house!
Judd sporting a Pirate bandana.
This is how my mother in law and her husband surprised us at Raymond's party tonight!
The Pirate duo, they surprised us and showed up dressed up! HA.


Kelly said...

What's up with Gangsta J pic? Was he being a pirate there? That's funny with Holly and Verlin. I wonder what the neighbors thought.

Looks like you got some good loot, Raymond.

Kenzie said...

Cute pics! Glad to see that you finally got to have a birthday party. Hope everyone there stays well!

MOM said...

That was hilarious when Verlyn and Holly showed up dressed up. Verlyn was carrying the pizzas, and I didn't recognize him. That was cute. I think Raymond finally got to enjoy his birthday, even though you had done something special for him the weekend before. I'm glad I could be there for it.

Anonymous said...

I like the picture of Raymond by the table. And the picture of Judd in 'da Hood! haha