Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My kids are artists!!!

My kids love to draw and color. Lately they have been making "books", which consist of a construction piece of paper that they write a one sentence story and draw the pictures to correspond. They are more comic book style. They are SOOO awesome. I am so impressed by my children's talent. Even Judd who is a typical 2 1/2 year old drawer is exhibiting signs of being a great artist too and LOVES to draw.

Owen especially has always had a real knack for coloring and drawing. Teachers have commented on his coloring ability to be far exceeding that of other kids his age, and his drawings are out of this world and so stinking creative. I have to be cautious though in praising him around Raymond, because poor Raymond thinks he is the same age as Owen and doesn't understand why he can't draw like Owen, and I always reassure Raymond that Owen didn't draw like he does now when he was 4 almost 5 either. But Raymond is a great drawer too for being 4 almost 5! Owen has started drawing his people with bodies lately and Raymond is upset that he doesn't know how to do that and that he can only draw stick figures. I told him when he turns 6 he will be able to draw bodies too. :) They are so close in age that it's hard for him to understand that developmentally he is not capable of doing some things that Owen can do.

Owen's pictures crack me up though too. You'll see what I mean in a minute. During church, the boys usually draw pictures to stay quiet and keep occupied. It has become routine. In fact I usually bring little notebooks with me (which I will keep for all eternity!!!) so that they each have their own book from week to week. Owen thinks like a comic book creator or a video game creator or something. He very well might be some sort of artist in Hollywood someday, he's got that kind of brain. I LOVE it. He thinks so in depth about things and asks about a million questions a minute. (Annoying at times, but in a cute way). So below I have scanned some of their latest artwork onto the computer to share with you. They are so good and cool. I did NOT help them with any of it or even give them suggestions for their stories. One of Owens has drawings of Batman and Robin, simply because they are in love with Lego Batman game for the Wii that Grandma Sears got them last year. In fact Owen has commented more than once that he wishes the world was a Lego world (he once wished it was a world made out of candy too). He thinks in Lego Batman - he is a video game freak if I let him be. So without further ado - enjoy the unveiling of the three newest artists on the market!!! :)

Judd's portrait of Me (notice the red hair!)
I LOVE this one. This was the first one and it's hilarious and So creative. This is Owens. The title of the book on the front cover is called Snow Ball Fight.
This was hilarious too. You kind of have to follow the arrows to get the gist that the ghost scared Raymond and made him mad. The last picture Owen explains that the ghost ate Raymond. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Owen's book entitled Batman and Robin Fights Poison Ivy.
This is the first of two pictures that go together by Owen. This is a cannon shooting cannon balls........
Then the cannons go over Owen's head and hit Raymond. See the evil eyebrows on Owen?? Ha ha ha ha. Morbid I know, but so creative and original by a new 6 year old!!!
Raymond's awesome book entitled That's the Book. Then the story is a picture of Raymond on the left with a sword and his friend Megan on the right with a sword. The words say No Fly, Don't Come. The big flying thing is a monster size fly and Raymond was going to kill it with the sword but Megan kills it first. Seriously! How creative can a 4 almost 5 year old be??? I love it!!!


Anonymous said...

Those are funny. I liked Owen's cannon picture and Raymond's ghost story the best. Judd did a good job too. I could see Owen becoming an animator.

MOM said...

I think the pictures are great. The boys have some great drawings. Raymond's sure tells his story, too. Love your red hair in Judd's. Owen is so detailed in his pictures.

Unknown said...

Those are hilarious! I am reading them again since there aren't any new posts. hahaha