Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Trends, Traditions, and Communication

I love family. I love my family. I love the dynamics that families have and now with my own kids I get to see how those dynamics, trends and traditions evolve. Ever since Raymond could start to talk a little, one of my favorite things to do has been to eavesdrop on Owen and Raymond "chatting". Now they have their little secrets, their little adventures and their own sayings that no one else knows! For example, the boys have a book called the Belly Button Book, which is a recommended book to all parents. The hippos in that book call their belly buttons Bebo's. This has long since been a word that my kids have used to name that particular body part. In the last couple of months though, Raymond has rediscovered that word and uses it whenever he doesn't know what to say - and he knows it's funny. That's another amazing thing, is how kids his age know how to use sarcasm and words to make people laugh. So now this word is a common word again between the boys. They use it as their every word. If you ask them a question like, why did you do that...they respond, bebo. It's very effective of getting them out of trouble because the way they screw up their faces and say it, makes Tony and I laugh.
Their new brotherly thing to do is to say "Um...bebo?" and they say it back and forth forever.

I love that they have started this trend because it shows how close of friends they are. I love the sibling dynamic, because no matter how much they may diss each other from time to time, if another kid in the play room makes them mad, they immediatly band together to gang up on that kid....I know I know...not good behavior, but I still like to see them working together and being friends. That sibling bond is one of the strongest. They are tied together forever.

This weekend we are heading to Lake Melissa and Elbow Lake in Minnesota on vacation and this is another trend and tradition that I enjoy and want the boys to make a part of their lives. Holly's family is very much tradition makers and trend setters. Every year at least once they all go up to the lake cabin and have fun. It's tradition to help prepare meals, clean boats, help put the dock up and take it down, and to in general take care of the house. Every one chips in and no one complains about it. My family has many traditions and fun trends and we do lots of fun stuff, but we don't have a place like this. A central location for everyone to meet and assume responsibilities and just hang out. I wish we did...(mom and dad - lets buy a place that is assumed the families!) It wouldn't be my mom and dads alone, my sisters and I and husbands and kids and their kids, etc. would pitch in and keep the place running and it would be a place we could go to at any point in time. A general meeting place for fun and family.

I love traditions, I love trends of families and I love to watch my boys secret communications. They don't know it but I hear them in their room too, with the baby monitor and I could sit for hours and listen to them tell each other stories and make each other laugh.
P.S. If you look closely at the picture - my boys are Wyoming Cowboys!!! GO POKES and they are eating a delicious treat of "Moose Poop", provided by their eclectic Aunt Kimmy. :) (they are chocolate covered nuts)

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