Friday, July 25, 2008

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'...

I can't believe how quickly babies grow. Especially after your first one, the next kids fly by. I don't even remember Raymond as a baby. It seems like he has been two for an eternity! In a week, Judd will be five months old already! Crazy huh? He is almost half way to his first year of life!

He is the most active I think out of all of my kids as babies. He LOVES to play on his belly, he LOVES to grab things and is exceptionally good at this. He has been able to grab a toy and play with it since he was right at two months. He's also been able to get his own binky or toys into his mouth since about 2 1/2 and has been able to roll since 2 1/2 months. Now he can hold his head up really well, he can almost roll from his tummy to his back again, he has been rolling onto and sleeping on his tummy for the last few weeks and it's just crazy how big he's getting. He has SOOOO much personality too. He loves to joke, he loves to smile and laugh and play. He thinks it's hilarious to change his diaper and he laughs everytime. Even if he is really mad, tired, or hungry right before a bath, as soon as I get him naked and lay him on the bathroom floor to start the water, he is so excited and happy to play in the water. In the tub he kicks his legs and flaps his arms like he is trying so hard to swim and he floats all around the tub on his back in a happy trance!

He is so dang cute, and I couldn't ask for a more perfect baby. He has even been sleeping through the night since he was two months old! My other two boys still don't sleep through the night! -HA.

So I took a little video of Judd playing on his favorite quilt with his favorite rattle. This was taken this morning after he had been playing on the floor for about an hour, so he is starting to get a little tired. Right after I took this video, I picked him up and he was asleep in two minutes! So enjoy. I think it's a couple of minutes long. (Okay so as you all have probably noticed that there wasn't a video on here for awhile. That was because I couldn't get it to upload. So this is a different video, but essentially the same thing. It is still Judd playing on his favorite blanket and getting frustrated when toys roll away from him!)


Anonymous said...

where's the video? as the aunt i was all excited to see it!

Elizabeth said...

Hey Stacey! I saw your comment on my blog. I had the WORST time getting my videos to work too! I tried over and over... finally they worked if I didn't touch anything on the computer again after it started loading. If I just started it and walked away for an hour they stopped "failing" to load. Hope that helps!

Kelly S said...

The video didn't work for me either and I was all ready to watch too. :(

Stacey said...

When Kimberly posted, I still didn't have the video downloaded, but it should work now. It's on there everytime I get on and it plays for me. Try it again.

Kelly S said...

It played for me this time. Judd looks so different!