His name is Blain Andrew Coffey born on April 8 at 4:15pm. He was 6 lbs 3 oz and 19 inches long. She went for about 12 hours of labor and ended up having a c-section because he was breach, but everyone is doing well!
This is my first nephew/niece, so I am very excited. Last night I already went shopping for a little gift because his gender was a surprise, so I wanted to get him something was specifically for a boy to make it more personal. I also had to get him a first Easter card.
I really wish I could there right now and hold him and meet him and help out where I can, but we will make a trip soon. It's hard to say who he looks like more because I only have seen one picture and it was a phone picture.
I haven't talked to JB or Amanda yet, but will try and call today and see how everyone is doing! I am so excited to be an Aunt and do Aunt things!
Welcome to the world little Blain!
He sure is cute, Stacey. Excuse me...Aunt Stacey:) You and Tony will get to go there soon and see all of them. Tell Justin and Amanda congratulations. He looks so filled out and alert. I'm glad everyone is doing ok.
Congratulations, Stacey! On the aunthood, that is...
Yay! How are they doing?
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